The man reaches out and gropes her boobs as she does this. She then lunges onto the man again, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Her bare boobs flop out of her bra and are seen close up for about 5 seconds.
She assures him she is and proceeds to remove her bra. 5 seconds later she pulls away and tears her shirt open. She then pauses and asks whether she is going to fast. She is seen kissing him passionately for about a minute. They are in a car after going out together. The other sex scene involves a boyfriend and girlfriend. Her petite boobs are scene for about 10 seconds, no male nudity. They are naked in the missionary position. The first heterosexual scene is between a husband and wife. The homosexual sex scene is emotional and sensual but not all that bad. Although there are 3 sex scenes in the movie, 2 hetero and one homosexual. Yes the central plot of the movie is a gay relationship but that doesn't mean that it is inappropriate.
There is a little violence but again it isn't too bad. There is a lot of swearing but it ain't that bad.